- May 2009: IPM Online Tutorial at SDSC (free registration required)
- June 2009: IPM tutorial at TeraGrid'09, Arlington Virginia
- June 2009: Tutorial at the SciDAC meeting in San Diego, CA (June 2009): IPM_SciDAC2009.pdf
Other activities
In a cooperation with the Leibniz
Computing Centre funded by BaCaTec, the Bavaria California
Technology Center, IPM developers will explore performance analysis
and workload characterization on future high performance computing
systems based on manycore chips using multi-level parallelization
Links, References, Misc
IPM is supported by the National Science Foundation under award
number 0721397. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or
recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
Foundation (NSF). |