----------------------------------------------- IPM Quickstart guide for NSF teragrid machines: ----------------------------------------------- August 2009 Using IPM on Kraken: ******************** 1) module load xt-papi 2) compile your program and link to the IPM library cc my_program.c -L/nics/d/home/nwright2/IPM/lib -lipm ftn my_program.f L/nics/d/home/nwright2/IPM/lib -lipm 3) run code as normal. 4) to generate webpage /nics/d/home/nwright2/IPM/bin/ipm_parse -html eg /nics/d/home/nwright2/IPM/bin/ipm_parse -html nwright2.1234400413.472591.0 You should be left with a directory with the html in. Tar it up, move to to your local computer and open index.html with your browser. IPM on Ranger ************* module help ipm gives the syntax to copy and paste - Anyway 1) module load ipm 2) just before the ibrun command in the batch script add setenv LD_PRELOAD $TACC_IPM_LIB/libipm.so 3) run as normal 4) to generate webpage module load ipm (if not already) ipm_parse -html eg ipm_parse -html nwright.1234400413.472591.0 You should be left with a directory with the html in. Tar it up, move to to your local computer and open index.html with your browser. Using IPM on Bluefire @ NCAR **************************** 1) add setenv MP_EUILIBPATH /contrib/ipm/lib to your submission script just before the mpirun-lsf command 2) Run as normal. 3) to generate webpage /contrib/ipm/bin/ipm_parse -html eg /contrib/ipm/binipm_parse -html nwright2.1234400413.472591.0 You should be left with a directory with the html in. Tar it up, move to to your local computer and open index.html with your browser.